Thishen Ranvidu Takes 1st Place in Under 18 100m Event
Published By: CMBU | 2024-07-10 12:00 AM

Congratulations to Thishen Ranvidu for his outstanding performance in the Under 18 category of the 100m event! He clinched 1st place with an impressive time of 11.41 seconds, showcasing his speed and determination on the track.
Thishen's achievement is a source of pride for Prince of Wales College and the entire Cambrian community. His hard work and dedication to athletics have paid off, setting a high standard for his peers and inspiring others to pursue their goals with passion.
Well done, Thishen! Your success in the 100m event highlights your talent and commitment to excellence. Keep up the great work and continue to shine in your athletic journey. #CMBU #Walesathletic #PWC