CMBU's announcers are the charismatic voices that bring information to life, shaping confident and engaging communicators for the dynamic world of media and Broadcasting.
CMBU's technicians are the backbone of seamless media operations, equipped with the technical expertise to ensure flawless broadcasts and productions in the world of media and Broadcasting.
At CMBU, aspiring graphics designers are nurtured to unleash their creativity, crafting visually captivating content for the dynamic realm of media and Broadcasting.
CMBU's dubbing crew training program hones the art of voice synchronization and performance, preparing students for a career in delivering seamless audiovisual experiences in media and Broadcasting.
In CMBU, news editors are honed to be meticulous storytellers, shaping the narratives that inform and captivate audiences in the fast-paced world of journalism and media.
CMBU's photography program empowers students to capture moments and convey stories through the lens, shaping skilled visual storytellers for the world of media and Broadcasting.
At CMBU, videographers are trained to master the art of capturing and crafting compelling visual narratives, preparing them for success in the dynamic field of media and Broadcasting.
Sadhbhashana'21, conducted online like its predecessor in 2020 due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, maintained its commitment to promoting and recognizing excellence in media and Broadcasting despite the challenging circumstances.
Sadhbhashana'20, held as an online competition due to COVID-19, continued to be a platform for showcasing media and Broadcasting talents, adapting to the changing circumstances and fostering excellence despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.
Sadhbhashana'19 was a dynamic school media competition organized by CMBU in 2019, where students from various schools displayed their media and Broadcasting talents, fostering excellence in multiple creative disciplines.
Sadhbhashana'18 was an exciting school media competition organized by CMBU in 2018, providing a platform for aspiring young journalists and media enthusiasts to showcase their talents and compete in various categories.
Sadhbhashana'17 was a vibrant school media day organized by CMBU in 2017, showcasing media talents and fostering excellence in Sri Lanka's budding journalists and broadcasters.
Sadhbhashana'17 was a notable school media competition organized by CMBU, showcasing the creative talents and innovation of young media enthusiasts in Sri Lanka.
Sadhbhashana'16 was a notable school media competition organized by CMBU, showcasing the creative talents and innovation of young media enthusiasts in Sri Lanka.
Sadhbhashana'15 was a notable school media competition organized by CMBU, showcasing the creative talents and innovation of young media enthusiasts in Sri Lanka.